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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What meaning of We're Being Sued

This is a civil liberties battle. Ultimately, this is a battle to protect free speech. We as a society cannot let fascists use the courts to silence opinions they don't like. This is about more than Fair Use and the VideoGameAttorney is fighting the good fight.You are seriously a legend. Thank you! It's work like yours that might go down in a textbook some day about the beginning and misunderstanding of fair use in modern popular media.

Could the negativity received from this video impact the lawsuit? I know Ethan and Hila didn't say or imply to do anything, but Bold Guy is getting a lot of hate, including death threats, being told to kill himself and other things.I feel like this is an act on BoldMan's half to get money moreso than being mocked. The guy is surely insecure as hell, but I feel like this has to be really money oriented.The defendant's attorney will have a hand in picking the jury. Tried by a jury of peers who have been interviewed regarding the case. The attorneys, for both the plaintiff and the defendant, make sure that the jury is not biased or unintelligent.

The Internet is nothing like it used to be, it's not the same. Content isn't out there anymore to share but only to monetize, making it seem more valuable then gold. The golden age of the Internet has died and we need to all understand that, unfortunately. As someone who literally saw the Internet evolve, it's sad.Not pretty much, you literally can file suit against anyone for any reason. Look up some of the people who have actually been banned from filing suits in certain jurisdictions because of their blatant abuse of the system.
Just being wrong (losing) should not be enough to force one party to pay the other's fees. If you sue in good faith with a reasonable claim, you should have your day in court without that kind of fear. Not having to pay additional fees for losing is preferable for a poor person seeking to possibly litigate a claim. They already have to find an attorney, initiate the suit, and potentially reveal embarrassing or painful facts and maybe face down a wealthy defendant. Add on to that the risk of paying fees merely for losing and say good bye to the right to sue for poor people.

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