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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Netflix cyberpunk sci-fi series Altered Carbon

“Altered Carbon is one of the most seminal pieces of post-cyberpunk hard science fiction out there — a dark, complex noir story that challenges our ideas of what it means to be human when all information becomes encodable, including the human mind.”You know how other books have an "anti hero" that is a semi relatable vigilante type who does some messed up stuff but it's ultimately for the greater good?Yeah Takashi Kovacs would shoot that guy in the face and then laugh about it. Kovacs isn't really an anti hero, Kovacs is a villain that the prose wraps itself around in the most enjoyable way possible.

I really liked it as a cross between Firefly and Dollhouse. I also liked how they had mini arcs and seasonal arcs for everyone and develop the characters so well while also having great mystery in the show to set up, play on, and subvert expectations.I just watched through Dollhouse got the first time last week, and damn that show was good. I've loved Firefly for a long time. Your comment intrigues me.

They did the Siffy thing on purpose, it was when they wanted to get away from being The SciFi Channel because they didn't like the 'geek' stigma, so they started airing wrestling and reality shows instead of science fiction. Unfortunately, the mistake nearly killed the network, because they were nothing different than many other reality show channels at that point with nothing to make people want to watch that specific channel. They drove away their core viewers almost entirely and replaced them with nobody at all. Things like Expanse at least show they know their core audience once again and are trying to fix past mistakes, but they still wear the siffy label for some reason.I'm so pumped for Altered carbon. It's about time we get to pull on some new flesh like borrowed gloves and singe our flesh again.

Where the comparison to Gibson is absolutely fair is the mystery and how the journey is the world building. Gibson is a master of that style of storytelling. Compared to someone like Sanderson who is a master of world building and tells a story within that world, Altered Carbon and Broken Angels have stories that hinge on the slow reveal of the world building as the mystery is uncovered.The fact that murder isn't even a serious crime in AC really sells that "flesh is cheap" theme. I had a tough time with that my first time through, it was so jolting. Death still has meaning in Neuromancer, even for the Dixie Flatline.

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