The way Not In Nottingham fades into the church bells and the sad friar playing the organ... great song in a great scene.Robin Hood has the best soundtrack. Honky tonk for a medieval fairytale? Genius. Ooh de lally and Phony king of England deserve mention.One of my best friends and roommates in college would get hammered and throw this on at parties and would sing along and do this really weird interpretive dances to it in a wife beater. But right when the song climaxes he would rip the wife beater in half. People always requested he do it, and he always would once he was drunk enough. Except once. He was out of wife beaters (having ripped them all in half) and refused to compromise his performance. Matt N. You're a boss
Not sure about my favorite of all time, but the commander has a really manly, excellent singing voice. Chorus is just great,Before I clicked on this post I thought to myself, "If the 'Be a Man' song from Mulan isn't the top comment here, this post can go fuck itself." I am happy to see I all is right with the world. And the comments here with everyone singing the lyrics has made my day. I love all of you, you magnificent bastards!I have fond memories of a very drunk uncle singing this in front of a crowd of people, welcoming in the new millenium, as balloons fell from the sky.
Hunchback in general is of the darkest things Disney has done. If they would have done away with the comic relief gargoyles, it would have been almost perfect. As it stands though, it's still one of my favorite Disney movies.The worst thing about Hunchback was the tonal whiplash. You'd go from moments of total despair to slapstick comedy to horrible violence (for a kid's movie) to fart jokes, with hardly a transition between them. The parts that were good were really good, but the parts that were bad were just awful.That being said, most of the problems can be attributed to the gargoyle characters. If they didn't exist, the movie would be immeasurably better. But hey, you gotta sell toys, right?
Part of why it's so good is that Frollo as a villian is so realistic. He doesn't have magic powers, he isn't just evil for the sake of being evil, his evil is based on lust and desire, which is a very realistic reason for people to do shitty things.And he KNOWS it is wrong -- he admits that what he wants to do is sinful, but blames on his victim and even on God's will. He does what every actual horrible person does when confronted with their own hypocrisy and moral failings -- he finds a reason it is someone else's fault, and then secretly asks for forgiveness.
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