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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Guy Took His Cat To The Prom

Using an app to cheaply swap is sad funny, using actual skill to swap parts to look real is funny. All the users here that put hard work into the edits, I commend you all. Photoshopping images isn't easy and a true skill.I thought the joke was that he's taking a cat to prom, rather than, you know... A human? As in: it's funny to take a small household pet to a dance since it really doesn't want to be there.Alternatively, maybe he's making some kind of statement by going with his cat rather than a girl from school, maybe it's his way of saying "I dislike all these people I don't want to go to prom with any of them I'm gonna go with my cat." Still - the funny part is that he's taking a cat to prom rather than a human.

I can't believe that cat looks so pleased while both being held AND wearing a dress. My cat freaks out if i drape a string over him, let alone trying to wrap him up in clothing.Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? Do you see me eating mice?It looks like it got a massive amount of upvotes in a short period of time, despite having very few entries. I'm guessing from people that wanted to see more entries.

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