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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Unique Diamondback Terrapin Turtle

Only a few species have the cloaca adaptation that allows them to breathe underwater. However, it is a remarkable adaptation. At least one the sea turtles that are able to do so extracts as much as 70% of their needed oxygen from water, through the same opening they use to breed, and release feces/urine.So... the cloaca they can shit, fuck, piss, and breathe through? If you gave them suppository food they'd literally just need that one hole for everything.This would be like laying on my back floating on the ocean and using my flesh snorkel to breathe! Imagine. Delightful!

Those gifs make me sad, because it feels like the turtle in each of them is desperately, and ineffectually, trying to get the fuck away from the giant monster holding it.Does anyone know how to tell if a turtle is distressed? The guy tapping it on the head can't be making it feel comfortable and relaxed?Woah, that's a bit generous on lifespan. On both accounts. Some, like box turtles, can have long lives but for most common pet turtles, like red ears, 25 to 30 is average. And I wish 20 was an average lifespan for a captive. Unfortunately almost all don't make it past the hatchling stage. Thank the idiotic parents who don't know how to care for a reptile that is actually pretty high maintenance.

Turtle owner but not an expert. That looks like severe pyramiding to me as well which is a result from over feeding. Looking at his legs and neck, he does look pretty tubby. It's unfortunate because it results in severe skeletal issues and will eventually kill the little guy.Serious: The university I attended had a student newspaper that claimed it was one of the best student newspapers in the nation (citing student newspaper awards that I know nothing about). Did anybody else attend a different school that claimed their student newspaper was the best?that thing closed less than a month after i started school.....every single night after 10pm that place would be robbed of chips and cookies and just become a madhouse.

I just google-streetmap toured that corner. Literally the only things that are still there are the 7-11 and the Subway. Unless someone reopened the Little Tavern since the pictures were taken. More likely it's been bulldozed.It's pretty lit but the parking tickets have popped over $100 now. I don't have a car but my buddies are always broke.Some kids from New Jersey started it; they made the dance and everything. The Maryland basketball players just saw it, did it and posted on social media making it blow up. They were on Ellen for it.Never thought someone would mention South Jersey on reddit greetings from SJ! There's a lake behind my house so mother turtles lay their eggs in my yard, so I know what you mean by turtle patrol haha.

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